
  • BrokerRole
  • VilniusPLACE
  • 8-17Work time
  • HigherEducation
  • 09/30/24Deadline
  • Career

We seek to attract real estate managers and motivate them to become true specialists in their field.

We constantly create opportunity for studies and growth to allow every employee to reveal their true potential in the field of real estate.

If interested, we wholeheartedly encourage your to send us your CV using the e-mail address [email protected]

  • Employee selection

We strive to make sure that the employees of our agency are true professionals in real estate, while also providing opportunities to those who currently lack the experience necessary, but seek to become such professionals. Our collective is made up of people that know how to work together and actively seek to achieve both their own personal goals, and the goals of out collective.

  • Constant improvement

We strive to provide as many possible opportunities for personal growth as possible to our employees. Our more experiences employees also share this view and happilly share their knowledge with less experienced colleagues.

  • Compensation

The compensation rates in our agency are based on individual agreements.

SEND CV(Attach files with .doc, .rtf, .pdf or .txt formats and no more 1Mb)